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BODYART Fascia Moves BODYART Myofascials ONLINE France 2022

BODYART Fascia Moves

Requirements: International BODYART Instructor

Duration: 2 days

Description: BODYART engages in an current topic with the module BODYART Fascia Moves. This module is offered to all BODYART instructors in the Update 2014. Addressed are all BODYART instructors, who want to work and teach on an even more professional level.

You might have already noticed the terms Myofascials in the media, especially in sport journals.

In this module is “fascias”. These are parts of the connective tissue, which connect the whole body like a net and cover all muscles, organs etc. Every change through movements, activation or even just thoughts can influence the state of strain positively or negatively.

The course content is how you as a BODYART instructor can change existing BODYART exercises to influence specifically the myofacial parts of the body positively. You also learn new exercises with this purpose. With this kind of teaching you can also mediate a deeper body consciousness to your participants.

With these topic the BODYART training reaches a new level of the ying and yang principals.

BODYART Myofascials ONLINE France 2022

ONLINE with Lisette Charrat-Boutique


Einmalzahlung: 0,00 EUR
Ratenzahlung : 0,00 EUR

  • 1. Rate 0,00 EUR
  • Gesamtpreis : 0,00 EUR
Die Bezahlung in Raten ist nur mit dem SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren möglich. Eine Rechnung über den Gesamtbetrag wird sofort bei Bestätigung der Bestellung generiert. Die einzelnen Raten werden stets 2 Wochen vor dem jeweiligen Modulterminen per SEPA-Lastschrift eingezogen.


17.09.2022 - 18.09.2022


Alte Schule
86860 Jengen