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ELEMENTARY | METAL | 5 Elements Meridian Regulation ELEMENTARY - Part 5 - Element METAL 2024

ELEMENTARY | METAL | 5 Elements Meridian Regulation

PART 5 | Element METAL | organ pair LUNG & LARGE INTESTINE

ELEMENTARY | 5 Elements Meridian Regulation

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ELEMENTARY is a #peacemaker therapy concept for self-help and external help, which promotes the regulation of body, mind and soul via the three major levels PSYCHE - STRUCTURE - BIOCHEMISTRY. The 5-EMELEMENTS-MERIDIAN-REGULATION enables the influence of body, mind and soul through mindful touch via specific points of the meridian system of Chinese medicine. 
Each element, with its season related to the respective transformation phase, has additional aspects that complement the treatment seminar. 

Seminar Host:
ELEMENTARY is presented by health coach, NEOS Award winner and Personal Trainer of the year 2017/2018, Alexander von Hausen aka Peacemaker.


Part 5 of the five-part seminar series deals with the element WOOD and the related systems of lung and large intestine.


"Reality exists only where the mind/mind directs its focus." says a Buddhist proverb.
How effective can a treatment be, no matter how good the technique, when you realize that our mind thirsts for constant distraction?
It does not find it interesting at all to focus permanently on one and the same subject.
Why don't you try to focus on one and the same topic for 2-3 minutes without your mind wandering away from it?
Or let's ask the other way around, how much more effective and tethered can a treatment be if we are able to focus our mind and body in a merging way.
Therefore, in ELEMENTARY Part 5, besides treatment techniques from different Asian cultures, the psychosomatic backgrounds, meditation forms are waiting for you again.
The meditative basics here are:
The development of a STABLE ATTENTION, which is called Samadhi.
The ATTENTION (Sati) to realize when our mind begins to FORGET and digress in the process of focusing.
Only when we are able to maintain Samadhi (stable attention) and Sati (mindfulness) for several minutes, it leads into the process of Shamatha...the miracle of joy, stillness and peace of mind coming from within.... Learn this mode of action using meditation on a mediation object and mediation on the REN & DUM MAI to additionally integrate this mechanism of action into your bodywork.

ELEMENTARY is designed as an intensive seminar within the framework of the 5-Elements-Teaching. In a "best of" fusion of Japanese Shiatsu, Thai massage and Chinese Tuina, it is a tool and guide to action for the holistic treatment of structural and organic dysfunctions.

In addition to teaching and treating the meridians, ELEMENTARY also introduces the psychosomatic background of individual acupressure points and their respective structural and mental effects as a subject for teaching and learning.

ELEMENTARY bundles rich knowledge and experience into a treatment kit for daily work with emotional, structural and organic issues of patients, clients and oneself.

Target group:
ELEMENTARY is aimed at trainers, therapists and alternative practitioners.

Prerequisite: No previous knowledge necessary.

Duration: 2.5 days - 28 teaching units

Teaching language: German


599,00 EUR


08.11.2024 - 10.11.2024
(Fri 15.00-20.00
Sat 9.00-18.00
Sun 9.00-18.00)