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General terms and conditions for Educations and Events

Terms and Conditions

A registration can only be made via the registration system of the website and becomes binding with an automatically generated e-mail confirmation. The participant is required to meet the necessary requirements (knowledge and physical) for each education. Please refer to the descriptions of the respective training modules for details. The participant is required to be present during the course times. Mandatory attendance is required in order to be admitted to an examination or receive a confirmation of participation/certificate of attendance or license extension.

The number of participants is limited (maximum and minimum). After registration for an event or education, the participant will immediately receive a booking confirmation per e-mail. This booking confirmation entitles you to participate in the booked event, provided the payment has been received in accordance with the agreed payment terms. The booking is only valid for the respective participant.

Payment procedures 

For all payment methods, an invoice is sent immediately per e-mail. With the payment method "prepayment" the invoice should be settled at the latest 2 weeks before event/education takes place. For participants who select the payment method SEPA direct debit, the amount will be debited approximately 2-3 weeks before the event/education. In the case of returned debits, a fee will be charged accordingly: bank fees (7.00 EUR) and a processing fee of 10.00 EUR plus VAT.

Prices and Fees­

​​All prices quoted include VAT. The prices and VAT regulations are dependant upon the country where the event/education takes place. The price includes the course fee, the manual (seminar documents, if provided) and a confirmation of participation.
A copy of the invoice (due to loss or incorrect information provided), can be requested from the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH for a fee of 11.90 EUR per invoice.


The concepts BODYART, DEEPWORK and Warrior V are protected by copyright and express permission is required for publication or other uses. It is prohibited to reproduce the training documents or to pass them on to third parties. Violoations would incur a contractual penalty of 7,500.00 EUR.

Upon successful completion of an exam/participation in an education, the respective Diploma/Certificate is saved automatically in the customer profile on the website. The documents will always be available to print out as often as required. Reproduction or modification of the documents is prohibited, and violations will incur a contractual penalty of 5,000.00 EUR.

Competition clause

The participant is expressly prohibited from using the aquired knowledge of the BODYART, DEEPWORK and WARRIOR V concepts as well as other training educations offered by the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH, to develop their own concepts and to market them as their own in direct competition with BODYART and the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY. The participant is permitted to advertise their own BODYART, DEEPWORK and Warrior V classes. The participant is not permitted to market our training concepts on behalf of BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH. Presentation at conventions and similar events is not permitted. Likewise, the participant is not permitted to offer and market any training or workshops in the above-mentioned concepts. The violation of the competition clause can will incur a penalty of 5,000.00 EUR and further violations will result in further contractual penalties.

Photos and video recordings

With registration, the participant agrees that photos or videos made during the respective BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY event/education may be published on advertising materials or on the Internet. If the participant does not agree, this must be communicated before the start of the event.

Filming and/or photography by the participant during a BODYART event (education, event, camps, etc.) is prohibited – failure to comply may result in exclusion from the event/education in question. The course fee remains unaffected and remains as a claim of the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH.


BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH assumes no liability for accident, theft, illnesses or damage of any kind during the events/educations, on the way to the venue or on the way home. Insurance coverage is the responsibility of the participant.

Final clause

If individual provisions of this General Terms and Conditions contract become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the ineffective provisions, the one which comes closest to the ineffective clause in terms of economic and legal content will apply. The same applies to any contractual loophole which may occur.


In the event of legal disputes, the place of jurisdiction is Mannheim.

Cancellation and participation regulations for educational activities and events

Cancellation Education / Module / Workshop / Event (duration 2 or 2,5 days, HPT Education 3 days)

The cancellation fee for each training and event (also with a medical certificate) is 45.00 EUR.

A cancellation up until the 15th day before the event, only the cancellation fee will be charged. A cancellation between the 14th and 7th day before the event, 50% of the event fee will be charged. No cancellation can be made 6 days before the event and on the day of the event itself. The full event fee is due. 
Any cancellation can only be made in writing.

Cancellation Short Holiday and Training Camp (duration minimum 3 days)

The cancellation fee for each Short Holiday and each Training Camp (also with a medical certificate) is 45.00 EUR.

A cancellation up until the 30th day before the event, only the cancellation fee will be charged. A cancellation between the 29th and 15th day before the event, 50% of the event fee will be charged. A cancellation between the 14th and 7th day before the event, 75% of the event fee will be charged. No cancellation can be made 6 days before the event and on the day of the event itself. The full event fee is due. 
Any cancellation can only be made in writing.

Rebooking Education / Module / Workshop

Each rebooking can only be made in writing and is possible up to the 11th day before the start of the event. A rebooking fee of 35.00 EUR per module is payable. Rebooking is no longer possible from the 10th day before the event. A rebooking is only possible if another alternative event is booked immediately.

Booking without participation

In the event of a no-show on the day of the event/education, the full amount is due (applicable even with a medical certificate). If the training module is canceled by the participant, no refund of the event fee is possible and the event/education cannot be repeated free of charge.

Repeat participation

A valid BODYART license or DEEPWORK certificate entitles the participant to a price reduction of 30% for any repeat module attended (does not apply to the annual module update, the training camp, events and congresses) as long as there are places available and the room conditions allow it.

Conditions of participation

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event/education 8 days before the start for good reason (e.g. low number of participants). In this case, the participant is given the opportunity to rebook a replacement event/education free of charge or to reclaim the event/education fee. Travel and/or accommodation costs will not be reimbursed. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the timetable and also relocate to another venue (within the announced larger area) when necessary.

Trademark law and data protection

Considerations regarding trademark rights?

The BODYART and DEEPWORK brand is protected in Europe and in many countries outside Europe. The trademark and the product images may only be used in connection with a valid BODYART license or DEEPWORK certificate. The BODYART and DEEPWORK brand may not be used with other sports services and products unless they are related to BODYART or DEEPWORK. Exceptions must be authorized by BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH. The brand is owned by BODYART Global GmbH in Switzerland/Zug.

Considerations with regard to copyrights?

All content on the website (texts, images, logos, graphics, videos and all other content) are protected by copyright. The marketing area is only approved for licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructors and may not be passed on to third parties. Only images to which the BODYART or DEEPWORK Instructor has the rights may be used for your own profile picture.

Can you use electronic communication?

The licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor agrees that communication takes place via electronically transmitted messages, by e-mail or via the contact form on the website. The licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor agrees that electronic communication meets the legal requirements of writing.The licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor informs us of their email address and telephone number and agrees that to receive emails from BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH or be contacted by telephone if necessary.

How do we respect data protection?

We are subject to legal data protection. Data is only saved and used at BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH. BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH is also entitled to pass on the data to the brand and license holder BODYART Global GmbH. Data will not be passed on to third parties.The licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor manages their data and decides which data (e.g. telephone number) to disclose on the presentation page. The licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor is regularly informed about events and offers via the given contact details.

Where do we save the data?

All data is stored on the website and in the BODYART HEALTH GmbH database, which is backed up several times. The "BODYART database system" is offline and therefore not accessible externally. The data includes for example: name, address, contact details for e-mail, telephone, shipping address etc. of the licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor. The stored data of the licensed BODYART or certified DEEPWORK Instructor for the personal profile on are saved on a German server farm that is password-protected several times. To prevent misuse, all access data to the homepage is protected by the double opt-in procedure. This means that each registration is only valid if it is confirmed by the registration process. This prevents anyone from gaining unauthorized access. In your own interest, we recommend protecting the access data against unauthorized access.

How is the BODYART website protected?

All data is protected with an encryption technique. This can be seen from the fact that the secure "https" connection is used on the data entry pages. We recommend that you log out when leaving the homepage.


With the creation of a customer profile on and with every order via this customer profile, the General Terms and Conditions of BODYART HEALTH ACADMEY GmbH are always recognized.


The place of jurisdiction and place of performance for legal disputes is Mannheim/Germany.

Marketing, trademark use and copyright © notice

Agreement for BODYART and/ or DEEPWORK Instructors, or with successful participation in workshops of the FREE ACADEMY and WARRIOR V

Only licensees (franchise partner) or BODYART instructors with a valid license and DEEPWORK Instructors, successful participation in workshops of FREE ACADEMY and WARRIOR V have the right to use the brand BODYART, DEEPWORK, WARRIOR V within the following guidelines:


The BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo may only be used under the following conditions

  1. The BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo may be used to promote your own classes, but only on the following materials:
  • Flyer
  • Advertisements
  • Schedules (also in the fitness place, where the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V instructor teaches)
  • Posters
  1. Do not alter the appearance of the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo including fonts, colors and composition.
  2. Do not alter the proportions of the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo.
  3. Only use the original BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo. The original logos will be provided in the instructor profile by the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY website as an eps file or a jpg file.
  4. The licensees (franchise partner) are only allowed to provide the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo to BODYART, DEEPWORK, WARRIOR V instructors with a valid license and possibly if the instructors sign the ‘Marketing and trademark use’.
  5. The use of the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo in fitness place (e.g. as window or entrance decoration) or any alternative uses not mentioned above requires express permission and an additional fee will be charged.
  6. After losing the requirements to use the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo all logos have to be removed and all files have to be deleted.

Violations may have legal consequences.

Examples of the wrong use of the logo
It is not allowed

  1. to change the colors
  2. to add new colors
  3. to add new graphical elements
  4. to use wrong proportions
  5. to change negative and positive
  6. to use an uneasy background pattern
  7. to use own colors for the logo
  8. to redesign the logo
  9. to combine your own logo with the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V logo
  10. to print the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V  logo on clothes, bags or anything else in relation to merchandise


BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V should always be written in capital letters.


  1. It is not permitted to mix the term BODYART,  DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V in a title of a class or a course with another training concept (e.g. Yoga).
  2. It is not allowed to mix the BODYART, DEEPWORK or WARRIOR V training concept with elements of other training concepts during a class.
  3. It is prohibited to use the acquired BODYART, DEEPWORK, WARRIOR V or workshops of FREE ACADEMY knowledge to develop own concepts or to market as own concept and to compete with BODYART, DEEPWORK, WARRIOR V or workshops of FREE ACADEMY.

Violations may have legal consequences.


Regulations for the use of the BODYART or DEEPWORK trademark on websites

  1. It is allowed to use the term BODYART or DEEPWORK in subdomains.
  2. The use of the name BODYART or DEEPWORK in the domain name is not allowed.
  3. The terms BODYART School and BODYART or DEEPWORK training, regardless of the domain ending, may not be used for your own homepage and are protected. The name BODYART School is reserved for Franchise Partner Schools only.

BODYART® and DEEPWORK® Competition clause

  1. The BODYART or DEEPWORK instructor may advertise his/her own BODYART or DEEPWORK lessons. He/she is not entitled to market the BODYART or DEEPWORK Training concept on behalf of the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY.
  2. Each BODYART or DEEPWORK event in your Studio (incl. conventions/events/ tours/ workshops) outside the regular BODYART or DEEPWORK lessons must be approved by the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY in advance.
  3. Presentation at conventions / events / trips / workshops and similar events is reserved exclusively for BODYART Elite Trainers or DEEPWORK Presenters with the prior approval of BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY. In exceptional cases, the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY can issue approval.Presentation at conventions / events / trips / workshops and similar events is reserved exclusively for BODYART Elite Trainers or DEEPWORK Presenters with the prior approval of BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY. In exceptional cases, the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY can issue approval.
  4. Likewise, the BODYART or DEEPWORK Instructor is not entitled to conduct training and workshops in or market the BODYART or DEEPWORK concept.
  5. The infringement of the competition clause may be prosecuted at the first incident with 3000,- EURO and in case of recurrence it will cause more contractual penalties.


  1. The BODYART, DEEPWORK and WARRIOR V Instructor also client of the FREE ACADEMY agrees to be informed with a newsletter via email. The BODYART, DEEPWORK and WARRIOR V Instructor also client of the FREE ACADEMY can unsubscribe from the newsletter any time.
  2. The BODYART, DEEPWORK and WARRIOR V Instructor also client of the HEALTH ACADEMY agrees to be contacted via telephone in case of remaining questions.

Copyright © notice

All contents of the manuals (scripts) of all training and advanced training courses of the BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY (BODYART, DEEPWORK, FREE ACADEMY, WARRIOR V), especially texts, photographs as well as videos and graphics, are protected by copyright. The copyright is owned by BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH and the author himself, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please ask BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH if you want to use these contents.
Content published under the "Creative Commons" license", are marked as such. They may be used according to the stated license conditions.
Anyone who infringes copyright (e.g. copies images or texts without permission) is liable to prosecution under §§ 106 ff UrhG (German Copyright Act), will also be issued with a warning and must pay damages of 7.500 EURO (§ 97 UrhG).

(valid from 01.10.2023)

General terms and conditions for the Internet BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY Shop

Scope, customer information

The following general terms and conditions regulate the contractual relationship between BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH and the consumers and entrepreneurs who buy goods through our shop. We do not recognize any conditions that conflict with or differ from our terms and conditions. The contract language is German.


The offers on the Internet represent a non-binding invitation to you to buy goods. After entering your data and clicking on the order button, you are making a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract. You can also place a binding order by post or fax. With the confirmation of receipt sent immediately by e-mail, the acceptance of your offer is also declared and the purchase contract thus concluded. If the offer is not accepted immediately, you are no longer bound by it.

Delivery of the goods

The ordered goods will be sent to the delivery address within 5-7 working days after payment. The shipping costs depend on the respective country and are shown separately with each order.

Customer information – storage of the contract text

We do not save the contract text with information about the item.

Customer information – correction notice

You can correct your entries at any time before placing the order with the delete key. We will inform you during the ordering process about further correction options.

Voucher and WORKOUT FOR LIFE Card

Vouchers are valid for a maximum of one year from the date of payment.


Additional conditions


Retention of title

The object of purchase remains the property of BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH until full payment has been made.


The warranty is governed by statutory regulations

Cancellation policy Internet BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY Shop


The following right of withdrawal only applies to consumers (non-commercial users).

You have the right to cancel the purchase contract for products of the online shop (goods order) within fourteen days without giving any reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day the contract is concluded (online order date) and in the case of delivery of goods from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, took possession of the goods.

In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you have to give us BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH, Bachwiesenstraße 13/1, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, phone +49 6201 834760, by means of a clear statement (e.g. a registered letter by post or an e-mail) about your decision to cancel this contract.

If you make use of this option, we will send you a confirmation of receipt of such a withdrawal immediately (e.g. by e-mail). To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication regarding your right of cancellation before the cancellation period expires.

Attention! The right of withdrawal does not exist (§ 312g Para. 2 BGB Section 9) for contracts for services in connection with leisure activities, if fort he provision oft he service a specific date or period is provided (e.g. booking an training, an event or a holiday).

Consequences of cancellation

If you cancel this contract, we are required to reimburse all payments that we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs that result from the fact that you have a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery we offer have chosen) within fourteen days from the day on which we have received notification of your cancellation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this repayment. We can refuse the repayment until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier.

You must return or hand over the goods to BODYART HEALTH ACADEMY GmbH, Bachwiesenstraße 13/1, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, at the latest and in any event within fourteen days from the date on which you inform us of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send off the goods before the period of fourteen days has expired. You bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

You must pay for any loss in value of the goods if upon checking the characteristics and functioning of the goods is due to your handling.

Template withdrawal form:

I hereby cancel my contract for the purchase of the following goods:

Ordered on:

Received at:

Name of the consumer:

Consumer address:

Signature of the consumer (only for notification on paper)


Last change and adaptation
Ioannis Giannikakis
Managing Director